Imagine B.C.'s economy as a vibrant tapestry, woven with rich, brightly coloured threads of innovation, adaptability, and diversity. Those threads represent the power of youth in the today's labor market.
As our population ages, these bright minds aren't just filling critical gaps in healthcare, tech, and skilled trades; they're injecting fresh perspectives and tech-savvy solutions into a rapidly changing world. From diverse backgrounds and experiences, they bring a fresh perspective and a richness that can help shift stuck mindsets, foster understanding and strengthen organizations. By designing and delivering youth focused programs and services that respond to ever changing labour market conditions and take into consideration each youth's unique journey, we're not just helping to build a skilled workforce that is ready for what the future holds, we're ensuring that future will be woven with innovation, adaptability, and the dazzling potential of North Island youth.
We are always looking for your ideas on what employment services or programs you'd like to see for youth and young adults in our communities. Please take a few minutes to fill out our quick survey below!

Youth Programs
NIEFS Careers in Caring - 12 week skills training "earn as you learn" program focused on preparing youth for jobs in caring professions such as health care, childcare, or community based social services
NVIATS Bladerunners Program - Employment program for 17-30 year olds who are interested in Forestry, Construction or Health & Safety careers
Laichwiltach Bladerunners program - Employment & life skills program for 18-30 year olds interested in Hospitality and other related jobs
Get Youth Working Program - This Program offers employers a $2,800 Wage Subsidy incentive to hire eligible youth 15 to 29 years of age for full-time and ongoing employment. Please check the website as funding is not always available in our area.
Want to test your knowledge?
Work and Travel Opportunities for Youth
Mobilize - Great Canadian Work Experience
Co-op & Internship Opportunities
Federal Government: International Youth Internships
Federal Government: Post-Secondary Co-Op/Internships
Provincial Government of BC: Internships & Co-op Opportunities

Resources for Youth
WorkBC resources for youth - BC Government employment programs, services and links to resources for youth and young adults
WorkBC resources for parents - Helpful information to help guide your youth towards a meaningful career in an occupation they are interested in
Canada Job Bank-Youth -Government of Canada Job Bank with job postings and information specifically for young people
Aged Out - was created for young adults who were in government care in BC and provides an up-to-date warehouse of information on resources and services available to young adults as they leave care.
A free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach. Get access to tools to support or enhance your mental wellness.
The Foundry: Community, Health and Employment Services for 12 - 24 year olds all in one place.
NIEFS is proud to partner with John Howard Society's Foundry Youth services in Campbell River and Port Hardy to provide employment related services for youth.
The Foundry provides a wide range of youth services, and drop-in help is available Monday - Friday at Foundry Campbell River - 140 - 10th avenue, Campbell River BC.
Foundry Port Hardy on Facebook