The aviation sector includes companies working in space and remote sensing, in-service support (ISS) and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), aviation training, advanced manufacturing and more. The city of Campbell River is home to a number of helicopter and seaplane companies, as well as technology and manufacturing companies producing products to serve the aerospace sector.
PacifiCan: Pacific Western Economic Development
Read why aerospace in Western Canada is a good place to invest yourself. Find out what the advantages, strengths, and workforce highlights are in a climate of growth.
Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace (CCAA)
A national association dedicated to attracting and developing workers with the skills the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry needs to meet the demands of today and tomorrow.
Searchable database of information relating to approved maintenance organizations, publications, news releases and employment opportunities

Aviation Related Training
Transport Canada Approved Training Providers
Review the list of training organizations approved by Transport Canada for Basic Training. Find out everything you need to know about each program by clicking on their organizations name.
North Island College - Aircraft Structures Technician Program
A graduate of this full-time program will have the skills required to enter the occupation of Aircraft Structures Technician. Aircraft Structures Technicians are responsible for the assessment, planning and implementation of aircraft structural manufacturing and repair.
Review different certificate, diploma and degree programs in aircraft maintenance, manufacturing and design, airport management, flight operations, air traffic controller training and aerospace engineering.

Airports, Airlines & Helicopter Companies
Information about services and vendors at the YBL can be found here.
Information about services and vendors at the YQQ can be found here.
Interested in seaplanes? Harbour Air is one of the best. Check them out here.
Become part of the diverse, innovative team that connects Canada and the world, and let your career take flight.
Information about the company and job opportunities throughout Canada.
Charters, training, longline and external load operations, fire suppression & more
SuavAir safely uses drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to capture aerial imagery around Vancouver Island and British Columbia. They produce high quality, geo-referenced aerial photography, and videography for Forestry and work to improve environmental management.
ASAP has been maintaining, repairing and installing avionics since 1997. As a Transport Canada approved service centre, they consistently perform to the highest degree of engineering and skill.
Has repair facilities in Port Hardy and Powell River.
This company is located at Victoria International Airport providing manufacturing and maintenance employing 400 people.
Located in Campbell River, Sealand Aviation Ltd. overhauls, rebuilds and repairs small aircraft, and designs and manufactures aircraft modification kits and components. The company provides excellent maintenance and services on both float and wheel equipped aircraft.
Cascade Aerospace in Vancouver is one of North America’s leading maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) organizations and aviation product engineering firms, serving major airlines and aircraft owners across the continent and around the world. Our pride is in our people. We invite you to experience the difference!