Oil & Gas
The oil and gas industry holds considerable importance in British Columbia (BC), contributing significantly to the province's economic development and energy landscape. The industry generates substantial revenue, providing economic stimulus through direct investment, job creation, and contributions to government coffers in the form of taxes and royalties. Additionally, the development of oil and gas resources in BC contributes to energy security by diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependence on external sources. The sector's activities also foster the growth of related industries, including infrastructure development, technology innovation, and service provision.

BC Government - Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Provides links and information to numerous oil, gas, energy resources in BC.
The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) is a single-window regulatory agency with responsibilities for overseeing oil, gas and renewable geothermal operations in British Columbia. The Commission oversees activities from exploration and development, to pipeline transportation and reclamation.
A not for profit organization, Energy Safety Canada was launched in October 2017 with the merger of Enform Canada and the Oil Sands Safety Association (OSSA).
Provides the essential training, certification, and safety services needed by the Canadian energy industry.
Canadian Oilfield Service & Supply Directory
The original Oil Services directory with over 1,210 categories and 18,000 companies representing the service and supply industry. You will find links to oil and gas companies in different provinces, related associations and spin-off industries here. An excellent tool to help job seekers find employers in the oil and gas industry.
This site will help you find out what it's really like to work in the service, supply and manufacturing sector of the upstream oil and gas industry - it's information we're sure will help with your career decisions.
Enserva is a national association representing the service, supply, and manufacturing sectors of the Canadian energy industry, and specializes in providing petroleum labour market data and insights, as well as occupation profiles and other resources for workforce and career planning.
Employment Connections Job Search Centre - Fort St. John
Designed to help those who require some basic initial information on the Northeast region you will find: community resources, and local industry labour market information, job database for those who are looking to relocate to this region.
Canadian Association of Energy Contractors
Employment opportunities on Drilling and Service Rigs.
TC Energy is one of the continent's largest providers of gas storage and related services.