About Our Programs
At North Island Employment Services (NIEFS), we know the importance of designing and delivering innovative, accessible, and relevant training programs that can respond quickly to changes in the labour market and create pathways to further learning or meaningful employment for those that participate in them. Interested and engaged learners are successful learners, and we build programs with that end goal in mind.
We recognize that different groups of learners will have different learning styles, needs and perspectives and adapt our program delivery & content to best support each of the audiences we are working with.
Whether you're interested in getting support with foreign credential recognition & connecting to opportunities for Internationally trained professionals, exploring opportunities in the caring professions (such as health care, child care, early childhood education, & community based social services), or looking for new ways to map out your own unique career pathway, we invite you to reach out to us and request a 1-1 info session for any of the programs below. (Be sure to mention which program you are interested in so we can connect you to the right program team members).
We take preparing people for the world of work seriously and we like to have a good time while doing it. Come and join us!

The Careers in Caring program has been widely supported by key North Island employers in the care sector, an area projected to have the highest number of job openings in BC over the next decade according to the 2022–2032 BC Labour Market Outlook.
With a commitment to addressing serious worker shortages in jobs that touch the lives of all North Islanders, "Careers in Caring" is an opportunity for out-of-school, unemployed, underemployed, or precariously employed youth to gain relevant, in-demand skills, pursue meaningful work, and build lasting connections to Care Economy Employers.
The "Careers in Caring" program is a 12- week, virtual/hybrid cohort based program that will:
- Provide young adults with the training, certifications, and skills needed to work effectively in healthcare, childcare, and community social service environments
- Assist youth in taking the necessary steps to launch their careers in one of the North Island's fastest-growing labour markets
- Provide a participant training allowance equal to minimum wage based on program participation
Program Contacts:
Program Coordinator: Cassidee Passingham, BACYC
Youth Employment Specialist: Graeme Chan
250-286-3441 or toll free 1-866-286-6788

Crafting Your Career Pathway
Generously funded by the Ministry of Post Secondary and Future Skills, Crafting Your Career Pathways is a groundbreaking initiative featuring innovative, expressive arts-based programming seamlessly woven into proven career development curriculum. This unique hands-on approach aids participants in identifying their employment skills & strengths and laying out their pathway to sustainable employment while participating in a transformative journey towards self-discovery and career decision making.
Crafting Your Career Pathways will provide participants with:
- An immersive, hands-on learning experience
- Employability skills for success
- Career planning, job search coaching and support
- Entry-level certificates and support to access further training
- Job development/placement support
- Strategic connections to employers, training, and work experience
- Training allowance for participation equivalent to minimum wage
- Access to technology to support participation in the program
Program Contacts
Program Coordinator: Natasha Prosser
Employment Counsellor/Group Facilitator: Wendy Waring
250-286-3441 or toll free 1-866-286-6788

Skills Bridge
- New pilot project designed to reduce barriers to foreign credential recognition for Internationally trained professionals
- Designed to create opportunities for foreign trained workers to transition their skills to employment in their fields of education within the North Vancouver Island labour market
- Offers financial support to Internationally trained professionals to assist with costs related to foreign credential recognition
- Skills Bridge connector events will provide venues for North Island employers to connect directly with foreign trained professionals in their industries.
- Skills Bridge is intended to identify and address gaps in funding not currently covered by other government programs or service
Please note: International Students and Visitors are not eligible to apply for this program and those eligible for other government programs or services will be directed to these first.
Program Contact:
Program Coordinator: Dianne Hawkins
250-286-3441 or toll free 1-866-286-3441