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Unlocking Global Talent

In British Columbia (BC), foreign credential recognition can present significant challenges for individuals seeking to utilize their education and professional qualifications obtained outside of Canada. Between a complex and costly evaluation process, language proficiency requirements, limited validation of previous experience, and potentially, the further occupationally specific requirements, the pathway to recognition can be daunting to say the least.

The Skills Bridge program seeks to reduce barriers to foreign credential recognition and create opportunities to support foreign trained workers to transition their skills to employment in their fields of education within the North Vancouver Island labour market. 

slightly blurred image of a portion of a world map with multi coloured push pins marking different locations

About Skills Bridge

The Skills Bridge Fund offers financial support with costs related to the process of foreign credential recognition. The focus is to address gaps in funding not currently covered by other programming.  Examples of the types of support available are:

  • Assessment costs
  • Language testing fees
  • Travel & Accommodation expenses required to pursue steps in credential recognition
  • Training costs related to upgrading required to secure credentials
  • Interpretation and Translation costs
  • Licensing Fees

Skills Bridge is open to Foreign Trained Professionals seeking employment opportunities within the North Island Labour Market and/or requiring assistance with costs related to credential recognition.


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Skills Bridge Connector Events

In a dynamic effort to foster collaboration between local employers, service organizations, and foreign-trained professionals, Skills Bridge networking events were held in both Campbell River and Port Hardy in February of 2024 to provide opportunities for North Island employers to connect directly with foreign trained professionals in their industries.

In a wonderful display of community synergy, the Campbell River event drew in more than 45 eager participants, setting the stage for some riveting exchanges of ideas and information. Attendees, including professionals, employers, and service providers alike were able to foster meaningful interactions that offered insights into diverse skill sets, global perspectives, and available services and supports.

These connector events have strengthened ties between North Island employers and foreign-trained professionals and laid the groundwork for similar events in the future. 

What People are Saying

 "The event was a great success! It was wonderful to have nations from all over the world represented under one roof, and to see people connecting, socializing, and getting the information they need."  Dianne Hawkins, Skills Bridge Coordinator

“ …appreciated the event was small and intimate and allowed for much information sharing amongst the service providers as well as building valuable connections with clients”.  anonymous

 “The Skills Bridge event was a great way for Newcomers to learn about the Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program, as this program guides individuals through the credentialing process, offers mentoring, job search and financial support for them to return to their pre-arrival occupation in BC.”
Carey Karlsson, Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society


Project Coordinator - Dianne H.

Telephone: 250-286-3441

Toll Free: 1-866-286-6788

[email protected]